Oct 9, 2012

Number Seventeen.

Previous post is such an emo. Haha. Sorry for that. Well, humans go through ups and downs in their lives so I actually do not owe any of you an apology. Cewah :P

So here we begin.
I have spent two days grieving on something that I could not decide of. And I didn't know what it was caused by. I felt different ; totally different. Yes, there were no denials that I laughed along my house mates and friends but inside, I felt... Nothing actually. I dont feel like doing anything that I should be doing and such. And now I am feeling a bit down for writing out this bad experience of mine. Haha. So rasanya there is no need for me to jot down every single thing about that tragedy cuz it wont even cheer you guys. I mean, how could you be happy upon my sadness kan? Gila seorang manusia yang kejam kau.

But now I am happy and loud! I shall repeat, HAPPY AND LOUD! Because of everything that happened yesterday! To be specific, because of everything that happened on Monday, 8th of October! A bunch of happiness had fallen into my lap I tell youuuuuuuu! Okay okay, let us write every single thing here okay.

So first, in the morning. Nothing. Am still in low-motivation mode. Gain the motivation from Ika and yeah, I did well in school. Focus. Alhamdulillah. Went home and dropped by my sister's house for a minute and left her, saying, "Hari ni tak ada apa cerita lah. Bye" and went out the door. Haha. Entered my home, having this urge to call and bergayut with people in Malaysia. So I called Ika and we talked for like, 20mins I guess? Ada ke patut dia bagitau Abe John pasal kisah sadis aku tu. Kurang hasam punya budak. Hilang macho bhaiiii seriousssssss. Cukup-cukuplah aku hilang macho dengan roomate by crying in front of her. But that is way better than hilang macho dengan Abe John. Ciss kau Ika, cisssssssssssssssssssssssss!

Oh and then finished talking to Ika and I ended the conversation, saying, "Okaylah, nak call orang lain pulak" and nasib baik dia tak cakap apa-apa, dia just cakap "Okay" means dia tak syak apa-apa HAHAHA cuz right after that I actually called Abe John HAHAHAHAHAHA okay memang kantoi lah cerita dia kannnn sebab nanti Ika akan baca gak blog ni HAHAHA okay dah, diam. And so where am I. Called Abe John sorang, but dapat cakap dengan SEMUA orang. Homaigod those guys were havoc mhan. Haha. Those 4 Jahanam guys. Hewhew. Talked to Abe John for awhile dulu then Syahril sibuk nak cakap jugak and so Abe John passed the phone to him and after crapping out with him, Fawwaz wanted to talk to me too so Syahril passed the phone to him and after puas cakap pasal rambut dengan Fawwaz, he wanted to pass the phone to Aqi but actually dia pass phone dekat Syahril who pretends to be Aqi by buat suara lain. And as if I have turned blurrer and stupider since I came here, I thought I seriously am talking to Aqi and after 5mins or so I realized that it was not Aqi. Bodoh punya Syahril. And when I said "Eh ni Aqi ke Syahril?" they laughed like mad as if they were ROFL. Buat malu aku je. Jatuh saham lagi depan Abe John. Sieeeeee. Haha.

But the point here is, I seriously had a good time talking to them. How I miss untuk berberuk-berukan dengan mereka. Haha. Oh and then I was thinking to stop calling Malaysia and go change since aku balik rumah je terus bergayut dengan Ika and those guys. Tiba-tiba there is this one kakak came to my home and aku terasa nak tanya "Mana satu kak Afiqah ah?" and few of my house mates fooled me. Macam main-main ah. But from the way they fooled me, aku dapat agak dah that the kakak that came to my home is kak Afiqah tu. Haha. After awhile, that kakak came to me and passed me this.

Cubalah teka dalam dia ada apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! :D


Okay, karang aku cerita how this thing could happen okay. Haha! But now bagi aku cerita what I did after I got this piece of heart. Nampak kertas-kertas tu? Haa, itu adalah surat from few of my classmates. So obviously aku baca lah kan. Haha. Tak ramai pun, 4 orang je yang bagi surat tu. And then I decided to call all four of 'em! Tadi aku cakap aku nak stop kan? Nak pergi tukar baju kan? Haha! Segala niat tu dibatalkan! I called Ejin, Abi, Zahirah and Anis. But Zahirah tak angkat. Takut nak angkat lah tu sebab number keluar yang merapu punya. Haha. Time cakap dengan Anis, she told me that KMPP went blackout! Waaaa rindunya nak berblackout dekat KMPP lagiiiiiiiiii! Haha! Ni apa kes entah KMPP dok blackout memanjang. Daddy tak bayar bil ke apa. Haha. And and and, nak tau tak aku letak kat mana gambar ni? Hehe :D

Gambar lain ada dalam plastik tu, dont worry. Gambar tu that I decided to display sebab gambar tu nampak sangat cheerful and could lift up my happy mood anytime! Ya Allah, serious terasa sangat bahagia sekarang ni. Thank you God, really :)

And just now, when I logged into my blog, I noticed that Ika made a post dedicated for me. Haha. Kembaaaaannnnggggg weh! Thank youuuu Ikaaaaa, my beloved (CAPITAL EWW) friend! HAHAHA! Oh and those photos of Abe John ; serious kau dengan Aimi sangat jahat. Serious. Cewah, asal macam marah ni? HAHAHA!

Okay now meh aku cerita how those photos could be sent to me. Hewhew. Begini ceritanya. Pada suatu hari yang indah, kawan kelasku telah menghebohkan kepadaku tentang gambar tersebut. Lalu aku pun telah membatakkan diri dan minta mereka untuk hantar gambar tersebut kepadaku melalui pos. Tapi memang impossible lah cerita dia cuz if nak pos yang international punya harga tak main puluh-puluh ringgit bro. Haha. Harga main ratus dan ribu sahajeeeeee. And so I told my sister that aku nak gila gambar tu and she told me that ada kawan dia nak balik Egypt soon. And so, what my friends need to do is to post those photos to that kawan of my sis and that kawan of my sis will come here and pass it to me. Ada faham anak-anak sekalian? Kalau tak faham, sila baca dengan penuh kasih sayang. Insya Allah dapat faham. So, kakak Afiqah that I was talking about earlier IS that kawan of my sister tu lah! Afhamtum? ;P

Alright, penutup kalam, I would wanna thank Allah for all the nikmat kebahagiaan that He granted me. Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah. And please dear Lord, give me and my friends success that we have ever dream of. Sesungguhnya Kau Maha Mengetahui, of course Kau tau apa yang ada dalam hati kami. Therefore, I pray to You to give us the best lucks for our lives. Amin.