Apr 26, 2012

Number Four.

Despite the upsetting stuff that happened yesterday morning - as I stated in the previous entry - I managed to grab my good mood back once I met my two boyfriends for the day, Nelvindran and Jabbar. Heee Dyja gatal. Haha! So the plan was, I'll be meeting Nel somewhere in SPPK cuz I need to pass him something that's his. But yeah, memang setiap kali aku jejak kaki dekat SPPK pun I'll be informing Jabbar, my one and only Twinko. Ecehh, jiwang sebentar. Gedik gila aku. Haha. So I drove to SPPK and met Nel at Kedai Kak Ton. And we sat for a while and I called Jabbar and asked him to come down to the stall and he said that he was about to come down for breakfast.

Oh not to forget, we also met few teachers from our school. Eh, salah. EX-school. Hehe. They were having their breakfast at the stall too. And they are guru-guru kanan, so jangan salah sangka, diorang tak curi tulang okay. Haha. So yeah, Jabbar came and the three of us minum, lepak, borak and stuff sampai around 11.30 a.m. and suddenly tertimbul topik nak pergi ATM jolok duit. I don't remember how the topic popped up but I think it was me that caused it. I think so... Wee. Then out of the blue pulak, Nel admitted that he needs to go to the bank. Tiba-tiba je ada urusan bank segala. So blablabla, we decided to go to Solaris. But Jabbar went back to his house kejap, to have his gain-weight-drink while me and Nel agreed to wait for him at the stall. But then out of the blue again, Nel needs to use the toilet. So dia ajak balik rumah Jabbar kejap. Kwtv, aku ikut je. Jabbar had his healthy drinks, Nel peed and I played with Jabbar's kitten, and we left. Walked to the bus stop cuz we decided to go to Solaris by cab. Got one, reached Solaris and the charge was RM 4.40 but since I was the one who sat in front, the two devils went out of the cab after passing me some coins (40 sen je!) and yeah, nak taknak aku kena lah bayar the rest. Haha. I don't sound like I'm mad kan? Yeap that's because I don't! Wee. Haha, bukan selalu pun kena macam ni. Lepas ni mana ada dah kan? Semua dah ikut haluan masing-masing :)

So as planned, we went to CIMB Bank dan buat hal masing-masing lah. Haha. While waiting for Nel uruskan hal bank dia tu - so called hal lah kan, poyo je - I sat alone at the sofa when Jabbar suddenly came and told me "Orang depan tu banyak duit kat tangan dia" and I was like, "Uhuh. Pastu?" then he was like looking around and said, "Kau nak tengok aku jadi pencuri tak?" then I was like, "Uhuh. Haha, gila ah kau" then he said "Betul aw. Aku amek duit tu, pastu aku lari ah" HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Seriously, I was like, hell yeah, lawak bodoh apa kau buat ni weh. Haha. Sik masuk akal bah. Wee :D

And then it turned out Nel tak dapat settlekan hal dia dengan bank sebab he don't have all the details needed. Sumpah bodoh. So we made a move and left the bank. Duduk kejap dekat bus stop, thinking and digesting what to do now. Haha. Serious maca orang takda arah tuju hidup. Wee. And I suggested that we all go to Publika cuz I kinda crave for the food there. Hehe. So yeah, they agreed and we walked to Publika. Oh, time nak bla dari Solaris tu, we walked passed Maybank and there's something that attracted Nel dekat pintu Maybank tu. Sort of ads or something. Haha. So he stopped to have a closer look. Tapi aku dengan Jabbar macam malas gila nak tunggu, so we continued walking. And we were laughing. Okay, I lied. Aku rasa aku je yang gelak terbahak-bahak, Jabbar macam takda feeling je. Haha. Jauh lah jugak kitorang tinggalkan Nel. Wee. Bodoh gila.

Once reached Publika, both of them asked me what do I wanna eat but by that time aku dah ternampak Wondermilk daaahh. Haha. And I stopped there, in front of the shop - thinking whether should I buy some of my favorite cookies? Haha. Mahal bhai biskut sana, so macam kena fikir berkali-kali sebelum beli. But then dekat-dekat dengan Wondermilk tu rupanya is the place where Jing works. Jing is our kawan jugak. School mate. So, masuk kejap jumpa Jing, talked for a while, then bla cuz yeah, we still need to do some rondaan of what stuff do I wanna eat. Haha. So at first they took me to Moo Cow. Its a yogurt shop. Its my first time knowing this shop so aku macam kerek sikit ah kan time masuk kedai tu. Haha. Then Nel asked for samples from the guy working there. Ada 3 flavor je. And I only remember the name of one of them ; Green Guava. Haha. But for me all three tak sedap but the guys like the Green Guava. But since I said no, so we chow. Haha. Then we went to Jabbar's former work place ; Sweet Chills. Again, a yogurt shop. And yes, there were samples too. Haha. 6 flavors in total. Dua je aku suka ; Peanut butter & Chocolate. So I decided untuk beli yang campur punya. Those two flavors yang aku suka tu, campur. Then some toppings like Oreo, Mango Coco, M&Ms and blablabla, few jugak lah. And total costs RM 7 something. I was looking for my money and the next thing I realized, there were three spoons in MY yogurt cup. Haha. Tersangat bodoh okay budak berdua tu :D

And then I bought my forever craving, HOT&roll. Jabbar was busy chatting with his friend from the Sweet Chills, so aku dengan Nel jelah lepak kejap kat kedai HOT&roll tu. Oh, Nel pun beli jugak cuz he said dia tak boleh tahan tengok aku punya. Lol. And later, kitorang bla, heading to Nel's former work place - which happens to be berjiran dengan tempat kerja Ahmad ; our school mate too. Haha. I didn't know that Ahmad is now working! I thought he's the pig of the house. Haha. So, tempat kerja Nel is Boost. No, its not a yogurt shop. Haha. But it is a healthy juice punya kedai, camtu lah. Tempat kerja Ahmad pulak VinegPlus. Its a healthy juice punya kedai jugak kot. Entahhh, aku malas nak ambil tahu. Haha. So we bought a juice from Boost but lepak dekat compund VinegShop. Haha, tak boleh bla. Pastu owner VinegPlus tu datang lepak situ gak - lepak dengan kitorang! Haha! But by this time Jabbar dah balik rumah cuz he was holding the house key. So, abang dia tak dapat nak masuk rumah. Haha. So yeah, tinggal aku, Nel, Ahmad. But Ahmad didn't join us pun borak tadi, he was working. It was around 2 p.m. so time lunch time kan tu. And then owner VinegShop tu bagi kitorang rasa the juices that they have blablabla. Haha. Siap suruh teka lagi itu perasa apa, ini perasa apa. Kelakar je. Then not too long after that, kitorang bla. Before leaving the building, again me and Nel dropped by Jing's work place, sembang lagi sikit, then bla.

Perjalanan nak balik from Publika tu akan lalu our ex-school tau. Hehe. Pastu time lalu depan kawasan sekolah tu, aku tunduukkkkk je. Malu bhai. Nel was talking through the phone with his dad. I thought no one would recognize me but then suddenly ada suara sumbang, shouted "Kak Dyja!" so I was like, "HELLLLLLLL" and raised up my face, pandang kejap, tunduk balik. Haha. Bodoh ah budak tu. He was my junior from the LDP, no wonder tak malu jerit nama aku. Bengong. Lol.

Then me and Nel berpisah cuz I was heading to kuarters and he was heading back home. So, yeah. That's how pretty much lah what happened yesterday - which I enjoyed gilaaaaaaaa even macam simple gilaaaaaaaaa. I thank God for granting me with these boys. They are both such an amazing friend. Kamek sayang sidaknya gilak-gilak! Ecehh. Haha. Idk lah, but aku macam rasa sangat berterima kasih dekat diorang cuz they made my day yesterday! Sebab awal-awal pagi lagi budak tu dah buat mood aku rosak kan. But at last my day ended fineeeee. So, I really thank them and thank God sebab gerakkan hati aku untuk lepak dengan diorang. By lepak-ing with them lah, hari aku menjadi kembali ceria~ Eww, geli gila kau Dyja.