Apr 18, 2012

Number Two.

Warning ; This is a very long post. Do not continue if you're not interested.

So as what I said in my previous post - which is my first post, haha - I had went to National Service for two months and a half which was from 2nd January until 17th March 2012. I was placed in Kem Puncak Permai, Tondong, Bau, Sarawak. I've had a farewell party for myself on 31st December 2011 and yeah, I thank all of the guests and friends who came. Your presence really mean something for me. Thank youss ;) So, without further delays, lets get started.

I am so very lucky I guess sebab dapat kem sama dengan someone that is related with someone I know very well, which is my bestfriend, Sabrina. Her friend, Syaza was located in the same camp as me and another thing that I can consider myself as lucky ; Syaza flew off to Sarawak earlier than me which was on 1st January. So yeah, memang ambil kesempatan habis-habisan lah kan dengan Syaza tu. I asked for her number from Sabrina and I was like, non-stop texting dengan dia, asking about the camp. Dia tak sampai Sarawak lagi aku dah sibuk text dia. Aha. Yang tak boleh blah, aku siap remind her to text me once she landed. Wee. Haha. Bila dah sampai kem pun aku suruh dia text. Tons of stuff kot aku tanya dia. About the toilets, about the dorms, about the facilities, about the weather, about the network, does the camp is like, inside a jungle or something. Gelabah terlebih kan, I know. Haha. Then my turn came. I need to lapor diri at the Bangunan Zetro JLKN on 4 a.m. and this bangunan situated in Wangsa Maju which is like, almost an hour distance from where I live. The night before tu sumpah tak boleh tidur. Nervous dan sedih. Yang teramat. Haha. I texted everyone, wishing them to have a good life, and asking them to pray for me blablabla. Update status kat Facebook pun macam nak mati dah, sedangkan nak pergi PLKN for two months and a half je. Haha. Nangis lah jugak malam tu. Wee. I don't remember lah, but I think aku memang tak tidur malam tu. Haha. Oh, not to forget, I've been packing my luggage like, one week before kot. I don't know lah nak cakap terlebih semangat atau terlebih gelabah or wtsv. Haha. Itu pun siap ada few final touches lagi tu. Final touch from a friend yang duduk asrama, final touch from my two best buddies, and finally final touch from my parents. So, to make a long story short, pagi 2nd January tu, aku lah the first person in the house yang siap. Yelah, tak tidur kan. Haha. We left home on 2 a.m. something kot. Reached there cun-cun 4 a.m. weh. Haha. Time ni macam excited kot! Haha. Then blablabla, Subuh pun masuk, then solat dulu dekat tempat tu, then naik bas. I sat alone in the bus. Well, rasanya all of us pun duduk sorang-sorang kot. Cuz its only 30 of us dalam bus tu. Means majority lah kot duduk sorang-sorang. Time pintu bus nak tutup tu, air mata meleleh macam air terjuuunnnnnn. Wee. Haha. Bila dah bergerak bus tu, hati sumpah berdegup kencang weh. Hehe. Kay wtv, who cares about all that. Ni nak cerita pasal PLKN je kan, bukan luahan hati. Wee.

The counter for my camp.

So we reached the airport around 7.30 a.m. camtu then terus pergi amek ticket pastu check in. Flight pukul 10 a.m. so macam kena bergerak pantas. Jurulatih yang jaga dekat airport tu pulak macam dah kerek-kerek je. Annoying. By this time dah ada lah sikit-sikit bergaul dengan bebudak lain. Just simple talk. Nama, dari mana semua. And I am not that friendly. Cuz yeah, I am still hating the fact that I am leaving for National Service by that time. Wee. Blablabla, time dekat waiting lounge tu dah start rapat sikit dengan sorang minah ni. Haha. Sebab dia macam makcik. Bising. So macam entertained lah dengan dia. She's Teah. Nur Fatihah Che Zulkipli. Ada lagi sorang gak, Izzatul Afirah nama dia. Aha. Blablabla, dah naik kapal terbang, dapat duduk sebelah apek. But that apek is on my left and guess what's on my right? Hehe. Cermin kapal bhai. Wee. Tepi sayap pulak. Phew~ Masyuk habis gua layan perasaan time tu. Haha.

My boarding pass.

So we all landed at Kuching International Airport on 12 p.m. something. Ambil luggage, kena perli dengan jurulatih pulak. Dia cakap "Awak ni nak duduk sini selama-lamanya ke?" Lol. Sebab beg besar sangat. Haha. Then naik bas pulak, nak gerak pergi kem. Akibat daripada tak tidur langsung the night before, perjalanan all the way from the airport to the camp aku tidur. Wee. Bangun-bangun, dah terpacak bas tu depan dewan. Dewan Jati Perkasa. How I miss :') Then turun bas, duduk lepak kejap, then ada check kesihatan, check bag, YES CHECK BAG. And all the ubats and the medications that you brought must be handed to them and they will take those ubats to the doctor untuk sahkan blablabla. They afraid those ubats are drugs I think. Hehe. Time kitorang tengah buat hal-hal tu, ada lah jugak nampak bebudak yang dah already sampai. They were all wearing baju yang diberi. You know, the blue one. Tshirt PLKN, tudung PLKN, kasut pun weehh. Hadoi.

So this is how the dewan looks like.

Kem Puncak Permai, Bau, Sarawak. Besaaaarrrrr!

Then we headed to our temporary dorm. Temporary sebab tak agihkan in groups lagi. You know, the companies they are having ; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Blablabla, we all need to go to the Unit Logistik untuk ambil semua harta karun kitorang. All the outfits that we all will be wearing and using sepanjang berada di kem tersebut. Hehe. And there's tons of it. Seriously. Okay I'll try to jot down every single thing of them kay. Baju PT, seluar PT, kasut PT, baseball cap, baju kelas, seluar kelas, kasut kelas, stokin hitam, stokin putih, stokin kelabu, barray, small belt, big belt, boot, tudung, getah, towel, notebook, pen, inner loreng, baju loreng, seluar loreng. Well, I guess that is all. So just try to imagine lah, we all need to carry all those stuffs in a big black plastic bag. Oh and most of benda-benda tu dapat dua. Means like, kitorang dapat two pairs of each pakaian. Stokin, tudung, towel pun dapat dua. Phew, awal-awal lagi, belum apa-apa lagi dah kena dugaan cenggini. Haha. Dah lah jauh Unit Logistik tu dengan dorm. Huh. But this thing is almost nothing sangat lah. The part yang macam rasa nak mengucap banyak-banyak is when dah agihkan kompeni, then kena pindah to our permanent dorm. And my permanent dorm terletak di atas bukit okay. So kena bawak barang-barang tu AGAIN dan kali ni NAIK BUKIT. Tambah lagi dengan luggage yang macam nak duduk Sarawak selama-lamanya tu, memang best lah buat kerja macam tu! Haha!

So basically, the first week kitorang takda apa-apa sangat. Just some briefings about this and that. Learning the songs that we will be singing through out the training. Get to know the jurulatih, the panggilan khas for those yang ada pangkat. Eg ; Komandan = Tuan, TKP = Tuan, all the armies, doctor, nurse jantan = Encik, nurse perempuan = Puan. Those kind of stuff lah. Ada majlis suai kenal gak. Haa time tu lah those panggilan were introduced to us. Hehe.

Part of the wira.

Part of the wirawati.

The Tuans, Enciks, Puans, Jurulatihs, Ustaz, Ustazah.

Oh not to forget, we also have Majlis Pemakaian Pangkat. Haha. There's a lot of pangkats here mhan. Okay, let me start ; Ketua Keseluruhan, Ketua Kompeni, Ketua Platun Wira, Ketua Platun Wirawati, KSM, Platun Sarjan (which is the ketua dorm actually, nama pangkat je gempak, haha) then we also got Ketua Dobi! Wee. I was selected to be the Platun Sarjan for my dorm, P2. Secara tiba-tiba tau cikgu pilih. Haha. I was like fooling around with my friends in the barisan during the rehearsal then suddenly someone called me in front, saying that some jurulatih called for me. Then I said, "Apa? Buat apa aku kena pergi depan? Aku mana ada pangkat" cuz only those with the pangkat akan berbaris in different barisan. And then jurulatih tu sendiri came to me and pulled me in front. I was like, "Apa ni? Saya takda pangkat lah, cikgu!" then the jurulatih was like, "Kau diam. Kau diri je situ" so I was like so upset and the next thing I knew is that I felt some water running down my cheeks. Haha! Yesss, I cried! Believe it or not lah kan. Haha. Excuses, bukan menangis terharu okay, menangis terseksa. Kelakarlah bila fikir balik. Haha. Pasal kena lantik pegang pangkat pun boleh menangis. Should be proud of it, but yeah, pelik sikit diri ini. Boo.

This is how our pangkat dipakaikan. Yeap, Komandan and TKP yang pakaikan.

So now we will step into the new phase okay. Phase where our "real life" here started. So Sarawak ni timing solat dia earlier than it is dekat Semenanjung. Most of the waktu solat is half an hour earlier. So we need to wake up on 4 a.m. and get ourselves prepared with pakaian PT dan turun surau, solat Subuh. Subuh is around 5.30 a.m. camtu lah. But before we turun surau, we have to make sure our bed sheets tegang, no clothes hanging in the bathroom, nothing is under the bed except the issued shoes that we're not wearing and our luggage. And we need to place them neatly under the bed and there even special spots prepared for us. Like the shoes, we have to put it dekat bahagian kaki katil and the luggage dekat bahagian kepala katil. Oh and, the habuk on top of the locker, yes baby, clean those too. Haha. The window must be open during the days. Nothing hanging at the window. In short, anything that you wanna hang, hang it at the ampaian. After Subuh we need to berbaris at padang kawad, lapor kekuatan all those stuff and by 6 a.m. start PT Pagi. PT is actually Physical Training. Hehe. Macam-macam lah buat time PT Pagi tu. Sometimes depends on kompeni. Like, Alpha main netball, Bravo main volleyball, Charlie and Delta different sports pulak. Sometimes Jurulatih Kanan kompeni took the initiative untuk berlatih kawad. Cuz at the end of the training kan ada pertandingan kawad. So better brush up from the beginning. And sometimes we do have Senam Seni! God, the only PT that all of the trainees love. Haha. And by 7 a.m. we will all gerak ke dewan to have our breakfast. We do bergerak in kawad form okay. Haha.

This is how your bed should be when you leave the dorm. Or some Tsunami will be attacking your bed!

The Wira in the surau.

Moments in the surau. Eheh.

Senam Seni. Yeah, you can see the joys aite? Haha.

Inilah cara kami makan. Wee. Tray besi, cawan plastik. Pastu basuh sendiri ye.

So, the very first task for all of us is the Kontrak Kita Janji (KKJ) which is like a presentation from each kompeni about what the hell will they be doing sepanjang the training, and how each kompeni will act in order to win any competition held or to strive the best, such shits. Haha. It is more like being a hypocrite mhan. It's like, you're selling your words that you will behave and all, but nyaahhhh first month tu pun ada je yang dah start buat hal. Haha. Eh hold on. Have I mention all the wira botak?! Haha! Yes they did! Okay, sambung pasal KKJ. Haha. So I'm in Kompeni Alpha and this year's theme for KKJ is "Ikan" so our logo must bergambarkan seekor ikan. Got me? Haha, nvm. I'll just go on with photos then.

Well, tengah menanam tebu di tepi bibir kan, mestilah semangat.

For the first month, our activities nothing much sangat. Almost one month jugak lah we all just terperap dalam kelas. Yes, we do sit in classes just like in school. Except that we don't even have tables and chairs. On the floor baby. Haha. So we have few modules.

Modul 1 ; Menampilkan Yang Terbaik Dalam Diri Sendiri.

Yeap, each one of us dapat buku ni. All over Malaysia, each trainee dapat!

Sorry, need to rotate your head to the right. That's the correct side of viewing this photo. Haha. Btw, this is some of the content in Modul 1.

Again, rotate your head to the right. This is the kind of journal that we all need to do EVERYDAY.

Modul 2 ; Menampilkan Yang Terbaik Dalam Diri Orang Lain.

The book.

Some of the content. Again, rotate your head to the right.

Some appreciations from group mates.

Modul 3 ; Budaya Kerja.

The book.

Hehe, yea we did this. Haha.

Modul 4 ; Kesejahteraan Hidup.

The book. Again.

Some of the stuff that we need to do. Haha, I was bored. So yeah, merepek je tu. Haha.

Then we have Modul 5 ; Kenegaraan. And besides that, ada Khidmat Komuniti. This is where we all go outside, berkhidmat untuk si dia dan si depa yang memerlukan. Haha. Stuff like that lah. Most of the outings rasa macam saja jalan-jalan je. Haha. Best lah semua benda tu tapi. Sangat best lah kan sebab dapat jugak keluar tengok dunia luar. Wee. So I was placed in KN 8 for the 5th module. KN 8 sangat rawx oteyh. Haha! Cikgu Ishak. At first I don't really like him sebab he seems to be kerek and all. But then later okay je dia tu. Actually dalam KN ni ada jugak dapat buku, sampai 3 buku kot. Haha. But I left them dekat kem time nak balik hari tu. Berat lah beg. Hehe.

KN 8 :)

At first we were all well informed that we will all be going out to buy our groceries and all the stuff that we need once in every two weeks. Means, twice per month. But then hari tu the first weekend kitorang dapat keluar beli barang and that is all for the first month. Sebab ada something yang tak diingini berlaku so we were all kena denda ; tiada pergerakan keluar untuk beli barang. Yes, dekat sini memang mengamalkan sikap akibat nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga. Sangat-sangat mengamalkannya. That is why kadang-kadang ada macam masalah dalam kompeni. Haha.

Dalam bas PLKN time keluar beli barang. Wee.

Then on the 18th of January, ada sessi photography. This include individual photography and kompeni and Kelas PK.

Individual. Hehe. Letak kat locker.

Kompeni Alpha Kump. 1 Siri 9/2012

PK 1 :)

And theeennnn, here comes the holidaayyy! Weehoo! It's Gong Xi Fa Cai, so we all got a week off. As for us who came from Semenanjung that is not going back to Semenanjung, ada lah few activities prepared for us. Lawatan ke sana ke mari. Lol. Haha. My family actually came to Sarawak during the holiday and I spent two days with them. So merasa lah jugak tidur hotel. Haha.

At the Waterfront.

Wisma Satok. That's me and Syaza!

Oh and we were also given the chance to have our dinner in the Anjung Permai, tempat makan Jurulatih, Komandan, and everyone except the pelatih. Haha.

Then we've got lots more activities after the holiday. For instance, the Muslims ada belajar pasal penyembelihan. I did sembelih weh! Weeeeee. Haha! There are 10 chickens and only 3 of them yang tak sah. So nak bebel panjang-panjang pun macam tak guna, so nanti tengok gambar je eh. Haha. And then we went to do Sukan Air at Sinar Serapi Eco Theme Park. Kitorang tak buat aktiviti air dalam kem sebab tasik yang ada dalam kem tu dah disahkan menghidap kencing tikus. Haha. Oh btw, Sukan Air Kompeni Alpha yang bolot okay! Wee.

Al-Fatihah buat ayam yang sah mati. Haha.

Water confident.

Rakit Wira Charlie. Cari gambar Alpha takda. Pfft!

Then ada jugak pergi Kampung Budaya. This place is like a must place to visit if you come to Sarawak. Ada semua jenis rumah suku kaum kat dalam ni. But yeah, bosanlah kan, apa lagi. Haha. After that, on the same day, ada pergi pantai! Entah apa nama pantai tu pun, lupa. Haha. Dekat pantai ni ada aktiviti untuk mengutip sampah. Haha. So the lawatan to the beach is actually part of our Khidmat Komuniti. Oh and this time, Alpha jugak bolot jadi Raja Sampah. Haha! It sounds wrong, I know. Haha. Other than that, supposed to be ada few sukaneka. Apa entah nama games yang ada hari tu. Penguin lah, apa lah. Haha. At last buat tarik tali je. Out of time I guess. Huh.

Entrance to the Cultural Village.

The Beaaaccchhhhh <3

We also went to do Khidmat Komuniti secara berpecah mengikut the KN. Eg ; KN 1 pergi tempat lain, KN 2 pergi tempat lain. So my KN 8 berjaya dipilih untuk pergi this sort of rumah OKU or something. Haha.

This is where my KN went.

And this is how the "view" inside.

And this is what we did.

Say cheeseeeeee!

And kitorang, wira wirawati negara ni ada jugak kena derma darah, you knoooww? Haha. But for those yang 18 above jelah. But for those yang belum 18 tapi berminat untuk derma darah, no problem. Kena call parents, bagitau blabla camtu je. I didn't derma darah hari tu. Sebab... Tak sempat nak bagitau cikgu that I am interested in doing so. Hehe.

Bravo girl. Haha.

Oh finally, it comes to the shooting! Haha. This is hell lot of fun! Macam biasa, before any activities yang kitorang buat pun, sentiasa ada briefing. Haha. Even water confident tu yang basically we just need to get into the water tu je, itu pun ada briefing okay! Haha. This shooting thing ni we did it in two days, first day Kompeni Bravo dengan Delta pergi and second day baru lah Kompeni Alpha dengan Charlie pergi. I gained 76 for my marks. Okay lah tu kan, kalau dekat sekolah, A- kot tu. Wee. And guess what, a friend of mine dapat highest among all the trainees kot. She got 99. Yeah, perempuan yang dapat Jaguh Menembak. TKP kem pun cakap, "Saya berbangga dengan wirawati yang dapat markah paling tinggi tu tapi saya sedih, dah tiga tahun berturut-turut wirawati yang pegang takhta tu. Mana pergi wira kita?" Wee.

The briefing.

The lapangan tembak. Phew~ I got sasaran 8.

Shemart kan?! I know. Haha.

Mine :) Haha!

Ratu Menembak ; Syaza Amalia Abdul Hamid.

And then, kitorang ada this one activity called Kembara Halangan. Haa inilah training yang macam armies buat tu. Ada 9 stesen tak silap in total. Haha. First tu macam bodoh je, just langkah a batang which is like sama paras dengan your hip, second is about balancing, third is 6 ft wall, fourth is the balancing dekat tempat tinggi, fifth is the monkey rack! Woohoo! Time training I failed to finish the monkey rack tapi time pertandingan eehhhhhh berjaya pulak dah. Haha. Then sixth is tarzan swing, pfft. Looks fun and easy tapi susah okay. Seventh is merangkak dalam lubang. Haha. Eighth yang tu! Crawl like a crocodile kat bawah besi berduri tu! But they are not real duri lah, if they are memang semua trainee tak balik rumah, balik ke pangkal lahad je. Haha. Next is 12 ft wall, and dah, habis. 9 kan semua kan? Wee, I do have a good memory. Hehe.

Second station.

Monkey Rack!

Tarzan Swing!

Ni lah yang merangkak bawah duri tu. Haha.

Wirawati Alpha! Weeeee!

Besides all that, kitorang pun ada aktiviti Tali Tinggi. Supposedly banyak aktiviti buat in this thing. Tapi kitorang buat flying fox je, sebab tak cukup masa. But wtv it is, it is super cool! Nothing much lah nak cerita pasal flying fox ni sebab I'm used to it, tak macam few budak lain macam cuak gila blabla then lepas buat tu macam jakun gila, cakap best lah apa lah. Haihh.

He's Gregory.

The Rescuer.

Then ada jugak Khidmat Komuniti lagiiiiiii. Panjat hutan tebal. Err, that doesn't sounds right. Haha, mampos lah. Penat tau panjat. 600m something jugak kitorang panjat. But the experiences are awesome lah. Dia dah ada tangga dah, so basically macam naik tangga jelah panjat gunung tu. But then the stairs are like slippery sikit. Haha. So kelakar gila if ada orang macam nak terjatuh en. Haha!

Bila dah penat, semua bajet nak bergambar. Sedangkan nak stop memanjat kejap. Haha.

And then this is the most hilarious part of all! Haha! Latihan kebakaran! Sumpah funny gila dan poyo gila. Haha. One day before tu we were all informed dah the next day akan ada latihan kebakaran, kitorang dah kena briefing semua. Then pada hari tersebut, pagi tu after breakfast kena lepak dewan kejap, blablabla, then jurulatih bagi balik dorm. Before that jurulatih ada cakap, bila dengar bunyi siren yang tak pernah didengari selama ni kat dalam kem tu, we all need to rush to the padang kawad with anything that we are wearing at that time. So bila balik dorm, semua macam dress up, nak pakai baju apa bila turun padang kawad nanti. Haha. Sumpah macam bodoh. Tapi cerita wirawati tak berapa best sangat, yang bestnya part wira lah. Bila siren dah bunyi tu, semua gelabah turun, including me sampai selipar putus kot! Huh. Bila dah turun tu, dah jumpa wira, SUMPAH FUNNY! Diorang melaram habis weehhh! Haha! Pakai baju melayu, sampin style P Ramlee siap, yang macam ada bunga tu, pakai songkok siap, ada yang pakai baju tradisional kaum masing-masing, ada yang pakai bodoh-bodoh je, boxer and tshirt, ada yang pakai seluar dengan baju melayu, macam-macam lah! So the fun part was all brought by the wira. Wirawati sumpah semua ambil kesempatan nak bukak tudung. Yelah kan, Muslim kan kena pakai tudung, so time cenggini lah ambil kesempatan kaannn. Pfft.

The Wira running out from the dorm.

Aku suka tu, kawan aku tu, Anaz nama dia, pakai kain pelekat oren-coklat, tshirt putih tu. Sumpah macam Mat Jawa dia hari tu! Haha!

Mangsa kebakaran. Lol.

Bila dah macam middle February ni, macam banyak gila tau aktiviti. Siang aktiviti lain, outdoors and kelas, malam all kind of majlis pulak. Like this first majlis that we had is Malam Citra Puisi. It's about the sajak, lakonan, koir, tarian. All those stuff lah. So kita pilih sendiri nak masuk yang mana. As for me, I chose to enter the choir sebab ada orang suruh masuk choir sama-sama dengan dia. Haha.

Creative, isn't it? Just potong mags je :)

Me, Anaz, Yon, Iwan. Cool crazy friends from Sarawak. Haha.

Then, ada satu weekend ni, all of us ada pergi other camp sebab ada majlis kejadah entah. Haha. Balik kem sendiri pukul 1 kot. Aku kat rumah pun tak pernah keluar sampai balik pukul 1. Haha. The majlis was on Saturday and on the Sunday pulak ada macam majlis menanam pokok something kat bandar Kuching tu. Haha. So most of the Semenanjung people kena pergi. It's not wajib but cikgu galakkan the Semenanjung people lah pergi to ronda bandar moree. Ngehh. Haha.

Cangkul tanah pun tak larat.

Here we are ; the gardeners ;)

And then we also had Pertandingan Nasyid. Ahhh, bosan benda ni untuk diceritakan. Haha. Sebab Alpha tak menang! Boo. Haha. Pastu ada lagi satu majlis ni, penutup daripada Modul Integrasi. So in total ada 12 kelas and digabung menjadi 6 je. So my PI 8 combined with PI 7 and perform choral speaking! The best part is, I wrote the whole bloody text!! Whoah! Haha. I am so very amazed with myself. Wee.

Kumpulan Nasyid Wirawati Alpha yang tak menang. Haha.

Kumpulan Nasyid Wira Alpha yang menang!

Choral Speaking. Funny moment! Weee!

Lakonan adat resam perkahwinan orang Melayu. Sumpah best!

Raja Sehari. Wonder how their kids would look like.

Dan kitorang ada gak malam karaoke. Pertandingan okay. Haha. But I'm not involved lah. Involved as audience je. Hehe. First prize tu sumpah sedap suara dia. He sang Sedetik Lebih - Anuar Zain and you just cannot tell which one is his voice, which one is Anuar Zain's! Like, seriously! Runner-up tu sedap, mendayu suara dia. Third pun not bad. But takda gambar lah, sorry. Hehe.

And theeeennnn comes the Wirajaya! Hehe. This is when we all got into the jungle and stay there for one night. Well, supposedly lah kan. Am so disappointed that we failed to do so. Cause of weather problems, that is why. So kitorang just masuk pagi, balik kem malam. But it is not as simple as that okay. We were all not informed that we were going to have that kind of plan. Tiba-tiba bila dah malam tu, the pentadbiran called all kind of ketua we have, Ketua Platun, Ketua Kompeni, Ketua Keseluruhan etc untuk jumpa diorang and they were all informed that we all may change our campsite because of our disciplinary problems. We were like, dahell? Sejak bila pulak kitorang tak berdisiplin? The askar said that our tents were loose, the toilets were dirty ; hell yeah, the toilets were already dirty the moment we reached there! So kitorang semua diarahkan untuk kemas barang less than 20mins when one kind of letupan dibunyikan. Haha, ni part paling lawak. It was raining tahu tak time tu. And I just had my second slurp of my maggie, tiba-tiba dengar bunyi letupan tu. I was muted. Then second time letupan tu bunyi. Then WAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH from all over the jungle kedengaran. Haha. Wira ke, wirawati ke, semua pun gelabah. Lol.

Camtu jelah khemahnya. Haha.

Tempat gantung baju. Haha.

Yeap, we all did the benches. Tapi ni wira punya lah. Wirawati punya gambar tak jumpa. Pfft!

That's our Komandan!

Masa second last weekend tu, ada macam Sports Carnival tau. So there's few pertandingan sukan diadakan like volleyball, footbal, futsal, netball, basketball. Semua tu lawan inter camp lah. So this year yang jadi tuan rumah is Kem Putra Sentosa, Sematan. So all the players yang wakil kem tu gerak sana ah. This camp is like damn huge okay. Dengar cerita orang-orang tertentu je dapat masuk kem ni? Haha. Ala-ala orang kaya gitu. Bluekk. Other trainees boleh je jugak pergi sana, jadi cheerleader. Haha! Kena sokong masing-masing punya kem lah. Pastu kitorang pun dibahagikan lah kepada groups, ada yang pergi melalak kat game ni, ada yang pergi jadi beruk kat game tu. Camtu lah. But too bad, I was not allowed to go. I was banned from going. Haha. Sebab ada masalah disiplin or something. Tralalalala~ ;) Oh btw, they do have their own jerseys. Buat dekat kedai, bayar dekat cikgu. Cool kan?! Nyesal tak wakil kem :'(

Footbal team.

Netball team.

Volleyball team (Wira)

Volleyball team (Wirawati)

Basketball team (Wirawati)

Basketball team (Wira)

Cheerleaders. Haha.

And theeennnn the kemuncak of this National Service thing, comes theeeee *drum roll* Pertandingan Kawad Antara Kompeni! Haha. Did I just made it sounds fun? Don't get me wrong tau. This pertandingan is not fun AT ALL. Well, for those yang suka berkawad tu, suka lah pertandingan ni. But I don't. Kalah lagi tu. Memang benci habis lah kan. Haha. But however, I am proud of myself kot. Haha. Sebab I was in the first row. Yknow, orang-orang yang dapat first row ni selalunya memang orang yang bagus in kawad. Bila kawad nampak cantik, kemas. Kan? Hehe! And I do not forget to mention, I'm the Ketua Platun simpanan. Haha. Tapi time pertandingan aku tak jadi Ketua Platun sebab dan-dan time tu suara aku habis. Hampeh!

Platun Wira Alpha.

Platun Wirawati Alpha. Takyah cari aku, aku memang tengah lepak belakang bontot diorang ni. Aku tak batak nak masuk camera. Haha!

Okay okay, chill readers, cerita pasal benda ni dah nak dekat habis dah. Haha. Lenguh kepala membaca ye? Berpinau mata ye? Hehe, dah warning dah dari awal, entry ni panjang! Okay so next is about Malam P Ramlee that we had on 14th March. Third last day berada di Kem Puncak Permai. Alah, sedihnya bunyi. Haha. Majlis ni is kinda like a must thing to be held dekat kem ni. Ala-ala adat resam gitu. They will have satu malam sambutan yang bertema. Macam tahun ni, tema dia P Ramlee. Other intakes tema lain. Different intake, different theme but the same sambutan. Got it? Kay nvm. There's few performances and semua kena ada kena mengena dengan P Ramlee. So, suka hati lah nak buat macam mana. But I think semua pun buat persembahan yang macam, lakonkan balik P Ramlee's films. Haha. So my group buat persembahan apa entah tu, I don't know how to put it in words. Mula-mula macam bosan, cuz the whole idea is the teacher's ideas. None of our ideas cikgu ambil kira which I think better than the teacher's ideas. I held the watak as Aziz Satar. Being the MC of the performance. Pakai seluar. Kemeja. Coat. Songkok. Cikgu yang suruh. Entah. Tak faham kenapa cikgu suruh pakai cenggitu. She said that that is how Aziz Satar looks like. Haha. And basically, kelainan dalam persembahan group aku is that thing lah ; girls dressed up in guys' attires, guys dressed up in girls' attires. Then the guys kena catwalk. Dalam persembahan tu macam ada fashion show, pastu diorang pun make up lah habis-habisan, crumple newspapers to form breasts! Haha! Sumpah lawak! Then kena jalan lemah longlai like girls do. Pastu later the girls naik pentas, menari dengan the "ladies" haha!


My group.

That's me!! Haha!

The "ladies" :D

Zee performance.

Next, is the Perbarisan Penutupan. Isk isk, sedih. Haha. Not exactly sebenarnya. Hehe. I didn't cry until time dekat airport nak bla ke KL kot. Tabah kan hati ni? Ouch. Haha. Okeh! So perbarisan ni adalah yang sangat mencabar of all the stuff that we did through out this training. Sebab kena berdiri tegak macam patung in the full loreng punya attire. Which is annoying. Aku tak suka doh. Serious. Haha. But wtv lah kan! So for this perbarisan thingy, ada persembahan jugak tau. One is TTS (Tempur Tanpa Senjata) and another one is Kawad Senyap. Well, hehe! I entered the Kawad Senyap! Wee. It was a voluntarily enrollment. Practice bagai nak rak. Sampai ke malam. Phew~

Pergerakan masuk.

Komandan check barisan.

Penurunan bendera Alpha.

Penurunan bendera Bravo.

Penurunan bendera Charlie.

Penurunan bendera Delta.

Officially graduated from Kem PLKN Puncak Permai, Tondong, Bau, Sarawak.

Encik Lenggang <3 Weeee~


Kawad Senyap.

Lepas daripada perbarisan ni, kitorang ada majlis makan-makan sikit. Parents ada jugak tau yang datang untuk majlis penutup ni! So diorang pun join lerr makan-makan tu. Nothing much, just macam... Makan lah! Haha. Pastu ada lah sikit persembahan. Tarian, lakonan. Wait, have I mention benda ni semua held on 16th March? Yes, the second last day of us being here. Hold on, nope. Actually the last day. Sebab on 17th bebudak Sarawak semua balik dah. Us, the Semenanjungians balik on 18th. Wee. And then on the night pulak, ada Malam Simpulan Kasih. It's like, malam perpisahan lah. Ada live band datang. Semua orang pun membajetkan diri dengan their best outfit. Haha. Aku pakai seluar hitam, sweater hitam, tudung hitam, sandle biru. Malas doh. Haha. Time malam ni memang banyak lerr air mata yang mengalir. But guess what? Sumpah aku tak menangis bhai. Wee. Most of my friends cried kot. Aku ni hati tegar camana entah? Haha!

Tarian pembukaan.

The live band.

Gorgeous aite?! Haha, hiasan dekat buffet table.

Yeap, memang dah macam disco dah malam tu. Haha.

Berbaris minta maaf dekat jurulatih. Hey! Find me! Wee!

Wira pun gwunk oteyh. Haha!

Sporting kan Komandan?! Weee~

Malam tu memang majority tak tidur pun. Haha. Sarawakians sibuk kemas luggage, Semenanjungians manfaatkan masa untuk chitchat for the last time dengan semua orang. Haha. Seriously, dengan orang yang all this while tak pernah tegur pun tiba-tiba malam ni macam, dah kenal sangat. Haha. People were so nice and friendly. Nak berpisah dah kan, took the chance lah to get to know those yang tak dikenali lagi. Haha. Jurulatih pun dah tak jaga sangat dah malam tu. All in all, malam tu memang lepak habiisssssssss!

Okay honestly, dah sampai part ni aku dah jadi sedih dah nak cerita. Haha. The perpisahan. Haizz. Pagi-pagi tu, me and Teah and Syaza went down to the surau, solat. Macam biasa lah, kitorang sentiasa turun lambat if cuti. Haha. So, solat sendiri lerr. Jemaah dah lama habis. Wee. Then naik dorm balik, macam biasa gak, time cuti kan, hehe, sambung tidur lah. Weeee! But I wasn't planning untuk tidur pun. Aku selalu camtu. Bajet taknak tidur, so dengarlah MP3 kan, dah lama-lama memang tertidur gak. Haha. Then tiba-tiba one of my Sarawak friends datang, and she was like, "Dyja, are you sleeping?" she whispered that to me tau. Haha. So I was like, "Oh, tak. Kenapa?" then dia cakap "Can you like, help me with my stuff? Help me to bring down some of the stuff to the dewan" then I said "Oh okay, sure. Nanti nak turun, you inform I" then she said this, "Okay. I book you tau. Jangan tolong orang lain tau" lol. Haha. Then I laughed lah. Haha. Pastu tak sampai 10mins after that, kawan lain pulak datang, minta tolong benda yang sama. Haha. So I looked at the one yang dah booked aku tu, and I said it out loud, "Sorry weh, Chuen dah book aku!" then we all laughed. Haha. The term "book" sounds bodoh ah. Haha. So yeah, seawal 7 a.m. aku dah ada dekat dewan sebab tolong kawan-kawan. Belum mandi tau time tu? Haha! Pastu yeah, semua orang dah turun, then by 8.30 a.m. dah ada pergerakan pulang dah. The Sarawakians boleh balik sendiri, which means parents datang ambil atau diorang naik bas PLKN. Haa time ni barulah aku ada nangis kejaaaapppp! Weeee~

Them with their luggage. Lol.

Appreciation Card from Alphaians to all the Jurulatih.

Sedih memang sedih lah kan, but what to do. Haha. Everything in this world ada ending dia kan. Wee. But yeah, orang dewan ni macam sayangkan gila kot bebudak Semenanjung. Sebab bila bebudak Semenanjung yang tinggal, macam-macam benda pelik diorang buat untuk kitorang. Or can I say, benda special? Haha. Macam hari tu time Gong Xi Fa Cai, kitorang dapat makan dalam tempat makan staff kan? Haa pagi 17th March ni, time minum pagi (when most of the Sarawakians dah berambus) nak tahu tak diorang kasi makan apa? Sandwich tuna dan sardin. Tapi roti tu warna hijau! Sumpah pelik. Haha. Time nak ambil tu pun macam teragak-agak, sibuk tanya "Kak, kenapa roti warna hijau?" then tangan ni macam tak yakin je nak ambil makanan tu sedangkan perut lapar dah ni. Haha. Then around 11 camtu me and my friends decided to naik dorm, kemas barang. Later in the noon kitorang keluar ronda Sarawak for the last time. Wee. Time ni lah guna semua duit yang ada. Dari duit kertas ke duit syiling, semua spent! Haha. But too bad, aku takda tangkap gambar langsung time keluar ni! Khusyuk bershopping kot. Baru aku tahu aku ni jenis malas bergambar. Tension lah cenggini! Urgh. Kay blablabla, dinner kitorang malam tu pulak sumpah speciaaaallll! Haha. BBQ kot weh. Wee. Aku dah over semangat kot, ingatkan we all gonna grill the food together tengok-tengok makanan tu dah siap terhidang. Alahai. Haha. Then ada kek lah, rojak buah lah, fuhh sumpah heaven. Haha. Not to be jahat but yeah, me and my friends admitted kot that we really enjoy our times bila Sarawakians takda. Haha. Somehow lah kan, rasa freedom tu lebih sikit. Sedangkan macam takda beza sangat pun kan. Wee.

Last dinner :)

Beeesssstttttt <3

Oh yeah, baru teringat. Haha. Time ni macam dah pukul 7 p.m. something tau. Pukul 7 p.m. kat Sarawak dah dikira lambat untuk solat Maghrib. Haha. We all lepaks habis-habisan dengan jurulatih ni semua sampai macam syok habis lah! Hehe. Then I did something sewel sikit. I went to the PA System, switched on the mic, and spoke, "Saya wakil daripada pelatih-pelatih dari Semenanjung ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas makan malam kita malam ni. Sangat best. Terima kasih abang kakak Aroma Catering! Saya pun nak cakap terima kasih dekat semua warga KPP yang sudi bagi kenangan dalam hidup kami. Kakak abang dewan, terima kasih sebab sudi layan kerenah kami bertiga (me, Teah, Syaza) yang selalu ambil makanan lebih kouta. Sorry kalau pernah guriskan hati kakak abang semua. Kepada jurulatih KPP, terima kasih juga atas segala-galanya" and I think there's more but I cannot remember lah. Haha. But sumpah benda ni macam out of control. Macam, tiba-tiba je diri aku buat camtu tau. Haha. And then time cakap semua benda ni sumpah rasa sebak. Tapi macam coverrrrrrrr habis-habisan sebab everyone's listening kot cuz I'm talking through the mic kan, the whole dewan dapat dengar lah. Haha. But I do remember, the last thing I said is, "Okay, jom solat! Assolatuljamiah!" lol!

And that last night staying there all of us kena kumpul dekat dorm P6 dan P7. Means, wtv dorm you're from, semua kena pindah dekat those two dorms je. Senanglah kan kumpul semua sekali. But malam tu I didn't sleep dalam dorm kot! Haha. We were all watching TV, then I got sleepy sebab tiba-tiba ada satu gang ni masuk bilik TV tu pastu tengok cerita diorang. I don't really care lah kan sebab aku bukan jenis suka tengok TV sangat. So mula-mula aku tidur atas lantai tu je. Haha. Then aku terjaga sebab ada orang tersepak aku. Haha, bengong. Then I searched for empty sofa, pastu ada yang two-seated punya kosong. Aku sambung tidur atas tu pulak. Haha. Then 11 something aku terjaga sebab someone called me. Someone from KL! Weee~ Haha. Sumpah macam bahagia gila dia call. Haha. I went out from the bilik TV to speak to him. Later, Teah and Syaza keluar dari bilik TV and gave me a signal that they are going to bed. Then diorang bla masuk dorm. After puas cakap tepon dengan orang KL tu, aku masuk balik dalam bilik TV. By then bilik tu gelap sebab cikgu Suzanne nak feeling apa entah, tengok TV dalam gelap. Haha. So time tu ada tiga orang je dalam bilik tu. Me, cikgu Suzanne, cikgu Yam. Pastu I decided to sambung tidur je terus kat situ. Haha. Then dah lama camtu cikgu Yam kejut aku suruh aku tidur dalam dorm. I was like so liat kot nak bangun so dia cakap "Nanti masuk dorm tau, cikgu nak pergi tidur dah ni" then I nodded then she blah. Haha. The next thing I knew, Syaza kejut aku the next morning, nak pergi surau untuk Subuh. Wee ;)

Sedih sangat weh time nak bla tu. Time nak breakfast pun macam takda selera je sebenarnya. But still, kitorang gelak-gelak je jugak. I mean, sedih + happy tau perasaan kitorang. Haha. So, ada lah tangkap gambar for the last time ni :)

Last breakfast :)

Kakak dewan yang sentiasa bersabar dengan kitorang. Haha.

For the last time berbaris. Haha.

Sampai airport :)

Tengah passing ticket.

Few friends yang datang airport :)

The Semenanjungians. Wee. Takyah cari aku. Aku tengah nangis macam orang mati laki time ni.

Sumpah sedih time nak walk through this gate :')

Most of them bebudak PLKN lettew. Weeee~

Waiting lounge.

And finally, welcome home bebeh :) *kat travellator KLIA. Wee~

In a nutshell, everything is such a sweet memory for every single trainee of National Service. There's nothing to be regret of. The happiness and joy seriously tak ada word yang dapat describe. The experiences are indescribable.