May 21, 2012

Number Eleven.

Oh God. Oh God oh God oh God. Haha. Entry kali ni is full of gempak-ness, so before I get started, macam nak kena mengucap banyak-banyak kali so that hati rasa tenang je time buat entry ni. Haha! Okay okay, moh lerr kita mula yerr! ;)

So, yesterday was Saturday, 19th May 2012. My tadika time kecil dah berpindah rumah, so semalam ada Majlis Doa Selamat dekat rumah baru tu. So yeah, gang aku pun mengambil kesempatan ini untuk gather dan spend time sama-sama by sleeping over dekat tadika tu seperti mana yang kami semua often buat selama ini. And so, kami semua datang hari Sabtu tu dan hadiri majlis tersebut yang berlangsung pada sebelah malam. Lepas dah habis majlis tu, lepak-lepak kejap. Pastu the boys sebenarnya nak pergi tengok Final Champion Leagues dekat mana-mana kedai lah, so diorang macam nak minta kebenaran from the teachers but unfortunately cecikgu tak benarkan. Padan muka! Hehe. And so, the night went on biasa-biasa je sebab few of them macam down sebab tak dapat pergi tengok. Duhh. It was just me and Sabrina yang perempuan, all others lelaki. They are Aziz, Latep, Afiq, Aiman. Actually gang ni besarrrrr lagi. Means, ada lagi ahlinya tapi they couldn't make it. Nvm, lain masa, lain hari lah. Haha. And then me and Sabrina pun naik lah bilik. We slept in teacher's room while the boys tidur dekat ruang tamu tu je. Mweheheh. Dan pada malam tersebut I slept around 2.30 a.m. sebab batak guna Twitter dekat HTC kepunyaan Bina. Haha! And actually I stopped tweeting sebab phone tu mati sendiri okay sebab battery dah low. Aku rasa kalau tak mati sendiri, sampai ke pagi aku dok berTwitter. Wee ;)

So, the next morning, Cikgu Tina woke me up. Aku ni kalau dekat tempat lain selain rumah sendiri, sumpah senang bangun. I mean, orang gerak sekali je pun aku dah boleh bangun. Haha. So I woke up, solat Subuh then sambung tweeting sebab phone Bina battery dah full cuz I left it charging bila dia dah mati sendiri the night before. Haha. And then turun bawah, kejut the boys bangun Subuh. Afiq and Aiman dah bangun dah. Aiman baru je habis solat time tu. So I asked them, Latep and Aziz yang still sleeping tu dah solat ke belum and they told me diorang belum solat. So aku kejutkan diorang. At first Aziz macam susah nak bangun but when I said "Bangunlah, Chelsea menang" terus dia bangun. Haha! Terus tanya "Chelsea menang?! Berapa?! Siapa gol?!" so aku pun terangkanlah dekat dia tentang segala info yang aku tau tentang perlawanan tersebut. Hehe. So, blablabla, me and Bina naik atas balik to take our shower sebab later we're planning to go out to have our breakfast. Well, I haven't mention that Latep drove, have I? Well, he did. He drove from his house and he fetch Bina and Afiq. So yeah, memang kitorang bantai habis-habisan lah kereta dia tu kan. Wee.

So after me and Bina siap mandi semua, turun bawah, ajak the boys then we chiow. Oh, starting part ni kena detail sikit cerita. Haha. So I asked Latep if I could take the car out from the garage and he let me. So aku keluarkanlah kereta dari garage. It was easy peezyy dudeee. Haha! Auto car, memey ah. Wee. But then Latep lah yang drive ke destinasi yang ingin kami tuju. At first Afiq suruh gerak Solaris but then I said, better gerak kedai one of my friend dekat Segambut. So we gerak there but URGH kedai tutup pulak! Haha. Buat malu aku je. Aku yang cadang kedai tu, kedai tutup pulak. So kitorang patah balik, gerak Solaris. 

We ate at a kedai mamak called JMC Maju. Err, I guess so nama dia tu. Haha. Aku ingat the Maju part jelah. Huruf depan tu tak ingat. Tapi sumpah kelakarlah ane kat kedai mamak tu. Haha. Latep was just asking "Roti pisang ada?" then ane said "Ada" then Latep was just nodding. So the point is, Latep was just ASKING. Tapi ane tu pergi tulis dekat kertas order tu that Latep ordered roti pisang. And then ane tu simply bla after amek few orders without amek order Aiman. So Aiman was like "Oi, order aku kau tak amek?" but he didn't say it out loud lah. Haha. Pastu Afiq order telur separuh masak and the taste, based on Aiman, Afiq himself and also Aziz who tried the eggs, it tasted like shit. Haha! As if they have tasted any shits before. Mweheheh! Pastu Bina pulak ada mintak taruk ais lebih sikit dalam Teh Ais dia pastu ane tu amek cawan tu and he was like trying to touch her hand. Or fingers. Haha. But cerita ni Bina yang cerita lah, so if dia menipu, aku taktau lah kan. Mwahahah! So me and Latep were like, "Ohh, ane tu suka kau eh" and I said "Habislah, lepas ni dia bagi bill kat Bina, belakang tu dia tulis nak nombor boleh" :D And so bila kitorang dah habis makan, ane tu pun datanglah ke meja kitorang. Dia tanya "Asing atau sekali?" and I said "Sekali jelah" but then tiba-tiba ane tu macam pandang-pandang kitorang then tetiba cakap "Asing eh" then dia buat bill asing-asing. I was like, okaayyy wtv lah. Then when he left, kitorang pun macam discuss lah, siapa yang cakap nak asing-asing bill tadi? And guess what, NO ONE SAID SO! Macam haram je ane tu. Haha. Then I whispered to Latep, "Ane tu nak bill asing-asing sebab dia nak tulis note tu untuk Bina" the I took Bina's bill, buat-buat check whether ane tu ada tak mintak nombor. Haha, bodoh. Then diorang macam nak lepak-lepak lagi but I've started to feel bored so I asked Latep if I could amek kereta from the parking lot. And again, he allowed me to do so. Haha. Pastu dah keluarkan kereta dari parking, diorang masuk kereta. But then to my surprise, Latep pun masuk kereta and he sat at the back! So means aku lah yang kena drive! Haha! So aku pun dengan gagah dah gigihnya drive jelah kan. To be honest mula-mula aku maca cuak jugak but I was like covering gila babi so that Latep jadi yakin dengan aku cuz hell man, aku sangap gila driving! Haha! And they actually made a recording of me driving. Sumpah macam orang gila bhai semua orang dalam kereta tu. Haha!

So, dah sampai taski (the tadika okay) ayah Aiman was already waiting, so dia balik terus. While me and the others masuklah rumah, lepak-lepak dengan MacBook Latep and tweeting benda-benda karut. Haha. Semua orang ada internet service dekat phone masing-masing kan. Aku je yang takda. Pinjam phone orang. Haha!

Pastu around 11 a.m. tu we started to feel bored again. And so we decided to keluar. Again. This time, Publika pulak. Haha! So aku request kat Latep, nak drive. And he allowed me to do so! Homigosshh, sumpah heaven! Haha! So I drove to Publika. Kali ni aku drive dah macam expert sikit ah. Haha. And so, bila dah sampai Publika, we planned to go to Tutti Frutti. Actually, aku yang plan. Haha. They all simply follow. Hehe! Beli Tutti Frutti yang besar, amek 3 flavors ; Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry. Toppings semua pilih topping masing-masing. Haha! I actually wanted lychee tapi tersalah amek, terambil longan. Bina took gummy bear. Then I put some M&Ms. Latep put some caramel. Lagi apa entah tadi? Haha, lupa sudah. But then that one big cup tu, kitorang share berlima. Aww, romantic enough kan?! I know! Haha. Ada amek gambar tapi dalam phone Afiq. Urgh. And he's not uploading. Asshole. Haha.

So we left Tutti Frutti and tried to cari mineral water untuk Latep. But it was an unsuccessful punya usaha. Haha! So kitorang pun gerak pulang jelah cuz it's already 12 p.m. and my parents promised me to fetch me around 12.30 p.m. so yeah, kenalah balik cepat or I'll be kantoi! But then here comes the part yang sangat heart breaking. Latep didn't allow me to drive :'( Sangat heart breaking. Taknak cerita panjang kat sini. Nanti menitis air mata :'(

So yeah, we arrived home safely dan lepak lagi dan lagi. Haha. Blablabla, the boys had their lunch pastu kitorang lepak lepak lepak dan lepak lagi lagi lagi dan lagi. Haha. And, I guess thats all kot that we did? Anyway, this entry might not sound cool or fun but the reality thing that happened IS PIGGY FUN xD

Makan makan makan xD

Anne! (boyfriend Bina) :D

Yea, this is pretty much how we lepak :D

Latep's MacBook ;)