May 3, 2013

Number Twenty-two

Assalamualaikum WBT. Salam Ini Kalilah! Cewah, dok buat semangat apa. Haha. Baiklah, to make long story short, I would love to thanks every single person yang sudi wish + celebrate + makes me smile + makes my 19th birthday another day to be remembered. May Allah bless you all, Ameen.

Huge thanks to all my dentist friends that I am closest with here. Those would be Kak Qila, Elly, Zaty, Kak Syahira, Yam and Dhoni. Not to forget, Kak Humaira whose birthday was celebrated sekali dengan mine. We rock big time, Kak Humaira! Hehe. Oh not to forget the funny part here, people! These gorgeous people celebrated my birthday on 24th April cuz they thought my birthday fall on that day since aku bajet nak rahsiakan birthday aku bila. And now I learned the lesson ; jangan rahsiakan birthday. Tak bahagia nanti hidup.

Tseppas caramel cake - "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHADIJAH & HUMA" - I so pity Kak Humaira. Haha.

Happy birthday to both of us, yeay!

And now shall we move to the birthday wishes? Hehe. Let us start off with WhatsApp.

1) Piaa - "Happy birthday sayang :) Sayang kau sangat-sangat. Jangan touching-touching dah k? Jangan ingat kitorang lupa kau k? Miss you bestie. Alot. Like really really alot."

2) Ira - "Happyyy bufday to you Siti Khodijah Ahmaddddd! Hope dipanjangkan umur and murah rezeki selalu. May Allah bless you :) Balik laa Malaysia ASAP! Mihihihi dah tua yer kak? 19 dahhh. Semoga berjaya di dunia and di akhirat, fight for your future, chaiyok! Aku tataw kat mesir pukul berapa tapi kat sini dah 29hb okayy. Haha. 12 lebih daa :D"

3) Ummi Pah - "Happy birthday sayang. Love you very very much. Be good tau. Take care. Walid kata try your best to be the best."

4) Iffah - "Assalamualaikummmmmmm :) Hye Jot. Ahh rindunya aku dekat kau. Well of coz la kau taukan kenapa aku whatsapp kau. Sebenarnya aku nak whatsapp kau dari semalam  lagi. Feeling nak jadi orang pertama la (waktu malaysia) tapi semalam line macam haremmm dekat hostel aku -.-' Hehe :P HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL! WISHING A BEST OF LUCK IN WHATEVER YOU DO. Nnt bila kau dah balik Malaysia hallu hallu laa ye. Miss you so much Jot! :)"

5) Odah - "Salam Dija, Odah ni. Happy birthday. Lupa cakap tadi. Haha."

6) Mak & Ayah - "Assalamualaikum, mak & ayah ucapkan Selamat 19 tahun, didoakan moga Dja sentiasa dalam redha & rahmat Allah. Take care and all the best in everything you do, pelihara solat dan tambah-tambahlah dengan ibadah-ibadah sunat."

And here we move to Twitter.

1) Fatima - "Happy 19th birthday to half sister @VivianVolkoff! I hope you're doing okay in Egypt and success in dentistry. I love you & miss you here."

2) Naqib - "Happy birthday Dijah ! @VivianVolkoff this time for real :D"

3) Hanna - "Happy birthday mokmok! :*  @VivianVolkoff"

4) Shifa - "Ohayou sweetheart @VivianVolkoff. HB dear.. May ALLAH bless~ Syg ko <3 font="">

5) Dila - "It's 29th April in Malaysia already so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIJAHHHHHHHHH :D Have a blast and come home soon la jom berjimba @VivianVolkoff !"

6) Deeba - "@VivianVolkoff Happy Birthdaaaaaay dyjaaaaa! Aku text kau patut ah tak reply, lupa kau kat sana hahahaha Belajar rajin2 be a good doc! ♥"

7) Liya - "@VivianVolkoff dyjaa!! Happy Birthtday!! :D Aku duk tulis tarikh time jwb exam td, baru teringat hari ni bday kau. Haha. Sorry late. Have fun!"

8) Anis - "@VivianVolkoff dyjaaaaa! Harini baru harijadi kau yg sebetulnya. Happy Birthday :-D Nanti kita jumpa kat KL naaa."

9) Izzah - "HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my bestfriend SITI KHODIJAH BINTI AHMAD. Hope always success in ur life n hope our friendship till jannah @VivianVolkoff (: n ko dh tua skrg. So jangan pernah lupa kat aku ehh walaupun ko sedang berada nun jauh di sana."

10) Mira - "ShoutOUTZ hepi bedayyyyyyvto @VivianVolkoff"

11) Wida - "Happy birthday dyja!!!!!!! Balik sini bawak something hehehehe."

12) Haiqal - "Selamat hari tua Khadijahhh. :)"

13) Syaza - "@VivianVolkoff happy birthday. May god bless you. Ingat aku smpai mati sahabat kau waktu PLKN. Muahahaaaaa. :)"

14) Afriz - "@VivianVolkoff Selamat Hari Tua kawanku."

15) Bina - "HappyBirthday @VivianVolkoff ! I wanted to wish at 12 but I'm tired so might as well now before I miss it. We'll 'celebrate' when u get back :*"

16) Kak Lang - "@VivianVolkoff Happy belated birthday sista! Your nephew now weigh 4.47kg. Good luck for your exam & I see u soon ;)"